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Acupuncture of human foot. Acupuncture needles close up. Acupuncture treatment for chronic pain

Geelong Healthcare: Can Podiatric Acupuncture Help You?

Over four million Australians live with a disability, and many of them deal with daily pain and the loss of muscle function. Modern medicine has opened a variety of new treatment regimes, combining innovative technology with traditional practices that date back thousands of years. Acupuncture is one such ancient practice that continues to be used today.

If you or someone you know struggles with muscle pain, specifically in the lower limbs, podiatric acupuncture could make a difference. Fair Go Access has the details on what podiatric acupuncture is and who should use it.

How Podiatric Acupuncture Works

Podiatric acupuncture is a therapeutic tool that uses acupuncture needles at trigger points to treat foot and lower limb pain. Disability service providers and healthcare professionals may suggest this treatment for chronic injury management. With podiatric acupuncture, thin needles are inserted just beneath the skin’s surface to manipulate energy flow and ease pressure on the nervous system, which in turn may help with chronic heel/foot pain and limited muscle function.

Who Needs Podiatric Acupuncture?

Podiatric acupuncture has proven successful in many cases of chronic pain, which is why disability service providers often include it in care plans for people with physical disabilities. To know if you’re a good candidate for podiatric acupuncture, keep these things in mind:

  • Acupuncture is a pain relief treatment trusted by many doctors and care providers.
  • Podiatric acupuncture may help you heal from injuries, increase blood flow and restore mobility.
  • This is a natural treatment and an alternative to orthotics and chemical pain relief.

If you have persistent pain in your lower limbs and feet and previous treatment methods haven’t worked, podiatric acupuncture may positively impact you. Check with a disability support provider to see how acupuncture and other treatments could get you back on your feet.

Explore Chronic Injury Management with Podiatric Acupuncture

When you or your loved one is dealing with persistent foot pain or impaired muscle function, podiatric acupuncture may be a worthwhile treatment plan. Enquire online or call 03 5298 2746 to connect with the trusted disability service providers at Fair Go Access.