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What Mobility Equipment Do People with Disabilities Use?

The right mobility equipment can make a big difference to people with disabilities who are unable to get around on their own. Fair Go Access is a disability service provider in Geelong with extensive experience in mobility products and chronic pain management. We’ve put together a helpful guide to disability equipment so you can explore the right options for you and your loved ones.

Walking Aids

In-home disability care helps children and adults make the most of mobility equipment, including walking aids that help to improve balance and stability. Children and adults with physical disabilities resulting in leg weakness are encouraged to use walking aids to prevent falls and enjoy greater independence. If you believe your loved one could benefit from walking aids, a mobility equipment specialist can help you find the best option out of seat walkers, walking frames, rollators, canes, crutches and walking sticks.


Many people with disabilities use wheelchairs for everyday comfort and mobility. Individuals may navigate their own wheelchair or have a carer push the chair from behind. Sometimes a wheelchair may be a short-term solution after an injury; otherwise, it may be a life-long requirement for those with limited mobility. Wheelchairs often qualify for NDIS plan funding as long as these mobility products are deemed a necessary support.


Another option for therapeutic products is mobility scooters, similar to a motorised wheelchair. A comfortable seat, durable wheels and an easy-to-use steering system make scooters a safe and reliable choice for disability equipment. Scooters are great for people who cannot walk long distances but want to maintain a level of independence in moving around the house and going out and about in the community. Disability service providers are well-versed in the variety of mobility scooters available and can help individuals and families figure out what works best for them.

Learn More About Mobility Equipment for People with Disabilities

Need help with NDIS plan funding for mobility products? Fair Go Access is here to help with personalised mobility equipment and tailored care plans. Contact our disability service providers to discuss mobility products and chronic pain management in Geelong.