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Child Disability Support – Advocating for Your Child

Fair Go Access is Geelong’s dedicated leader in support for children with disabilities. We know there’s a lot to think about when it comes to caring for special needs children, so we’ve put together a detailed guide to child disability support. Keep reading to learn more about successfully advocating for your child and their special needs.

Research Credible Sources

Parents of special needs children can learn a lot from dedicated research and trusted sources. Do your best to stay on top of specialist meetings and appointments so you can better understand your child’s diagnosis and possible care plans moving forward. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and speak to other families going through the same thing. Remember the importance of early intervention so your child can start the right therapy or treatment, too.

Communicate Your Child’s Needs

Speak up about support for children with disabilities whenever you can. From neighbourhood play groups to school and extracurricular activities, the more you talk about your child’s unique needs, the more support they will receive. You know your child better than anyone, so always trust your instincts when it comes to their physical, mental and emotional well-being. If you suspect your child’s needs are not being met, it’s time to have an honest conversation about changes required in the future.

Build Your Circle of Support

Advocating for your child’s special needs is much easier when you have a strong support system. By having a circle of support with both professionals and loved ones, you will always have someone you can trust to help with your child. You have their best interests at heart and securing in-home help for people with disabilities can have a positive impact on your entire household. After all, parents of special needs children are highly susceptible to burnout, so sharing the load is very important.

Access Disability Support Services for Special Needs Children

If you have a child with special needs, you can advocate for them by making the most of comprehensive support services. Get in touch with Fair Go Access to learn more about help for people with disabilities in Geelong.