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Silhouette of joyful disabled man in wheelchair raised hands with friend at sunset

The lives of people living with disability may be profoundly enhanced via a wide array of assistance provided by disability home services such as Fair Go Access. Of course, this stretches far beyond medical care and into the little things that need to be done during an individual’s day-to-day, as well as providing disability equipment. Here, we explore a few of the ways Fair Go Access provides disability home services in the Geelong area.

High-Intensity Daily Personal Activities

Staff members at Fair Go Access are trained and qualified to assist with both everyday activities and high-intensity personal activities. These may include in-home personal care or high-intensity care for children, teens or adults. These individuals may require assistance with tube feeding, complex wounds or pressure injuries, or one of many other requirements. We can provide an experienced in-home support worker to clients who have additional needs.

Daily Personal Activities

Aside from the high-intensity daily personal activities, individuals may need help with the smaller but no less important aspects of everyday life. We can arrange assistance with all sorts of tasks including cooking, shopping, attending appointments, lawn and garden maintenance, and community access through either public transportation or private vehicles.

Community Nursing Care

We are readily available to take care of clients with high care needs. Our team of support workers undertake extensive training before moving on to a 1-on-1 caring situation. Our staff have been trained thoroughly on how to use medical and disability equipment such as tube feeding, administering medication and managing personal hygiene routines. Our personal support staff love what they do and are skilled, possessing natural empathy and understanding of client needs. 

Household Tasks

One of the simplest ways to maintain a positive outlook on life is to have your house in order. We can help with the seemingly simple stuff when it becomes too hard. It doesn’t necessarily have to be tasks that need to be done every single day. Perhaps you’d like us to prepare and deliver meals every week, have house and yard maintenance taken care of once a month, or have your laundry done regularly. Fair Go Access provides it all, including disability home services, disability equipment, and tube feeding equipment.

To discover the wide range of disability services and disability equipment we provide at Fair Go Access, call 03 5298 2746 today.