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Young man with disability using wheelchair by himself on public ramps in hospitals or schools background, Pictures of the facilities or equipment and transportation for people with disabilities.

It may seem to some as though a child living with a disability has limited opportunities to be healthy and happy. Whether living with a physical disability, ADHD, the autism spectrum, or one of the many other disabilities that can come into a child’s life, it may seem to those on the outside like a hopeless situation. At Fair Go Access, we know that this is not the case. Children living with disabilities can have rich and fulfilling lives through love, encouragement and support. Disability services such as ours can provide support for children with disabilities so they can reach their true potential while considering both the child’s and parent’s needs.

The Power of Parental Influence

Whether living with a disability or not, for a child there is no greater influence than that of their parents. That’s why it is important to approach any situation with not only hard work but also optimism and a good sense of humour. In this way, your child will be able to take your lead in dealing with any challenges that arise and see them as tiny speed bumps rather than roadblocks. Get help and support with Fair Go Access disability care services.

Focus on Strengths While Acknowledging Boundaries

It is important that your child is aware of their limitations. But these should be learned by the child, not taught by someone else. The best support you can provide to children with disabilities is to place more emphasis on their strengths than their weaknesses. Everyone has their natural gifts and talents. Celebrating and embracing these with your child will help them concentrate on what they are able to achieve. 

An Individual Learning Plan

Disability services and government agencies can help develop an individual learning plan for children with special needs. These set clear educational goals for the child to ensure they learn according to their own specific needs, furthering their ability to continually engage with their community. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are either required or recommended for children with disabilities and they help to track a student’s progress against tailored and measurable goals. 

With disability care services by your side, you can learn more about how you can assist your child to achieve their full potential. We’re also here to provide any other assistance in ensuring hope for your child or children living with disabilities. To find out how we can provide you with support for your child and family, call our team on 03 5298 2746.