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Supporting Families of Young Children with Disabilities

Support for families of young children living with disabilities has improved over the years, along with healthcare and the overall recognition and awareness of disability.

For example, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare confirms that intellectual and sensory or speech disabilities are the most common, with 9.4% of boys ages 0-14 having a disability compared to 5.4% of girls the same age. Out of the 7.4% of Australian children with some level of disability, 4% had a profound disability. This information is part of further in-depth research on disabilities and how they affect Australian families, which influences the demand for disability service providers nationwide.

Let’s take a closer look at disability services in Australia and how they support families of young children with special needs.

Disability Healthcare

There are a few different key areas of disability services, and one of the most important is disability healthcare. Families of young children with special needs are encouraged to explore the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which provides funding for necessary healthcare and personal care. Healthcare needs vary for each child, so it’s important to have flexibility and a health provider you can trust.

Disability Home Services

Healthcare and disability home services go hand-in-hand. A trusted care provider can make a big difference to families in need by bringing healthcare and personal support directly to families that need it most. State-of-the-art disability equipment can be brought into your home with licensed care providers who help with all sorts of daily health and lifestyle needs, whether it is medication and personal hygiene or supervision and engaging activities.

Personalised Care 

In addition to healthcare and disability equipment, leaders in disability home services understand that supporting families of kids with disabilities is not one-size-fits-all. Every child and their loved ones may have different needs, and that’s okay! An individualised care plan for disability home services ensures that children’s needs are met in every aspect of their lives, from physical health to emotional wellbeing. It’s all about giving children and their families adequate support so they aren’t navigating special needs all on their own.

Contact Disability Service Providers in Geelong

Interested in family support and disability services for children with special needs? Get in touch with the dedicated disability service providers at Fair Go Access to discuss disability home services in Geelong today.