In Home Services

Fair-Go Access Disability Support Services’ Support Workers provide individualised support services for adults, teens, and children. We provide a range of services including, but not limited to:

  • Cooking.
  • Shopping.
  • Assistance with attending appointments.
  • Lawn and Garden maintenance.
  • Community access.

Providing individuals with additional needs with an experienced in-home carer to assist with daily and high intensity personal activities.

Duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal care.
  • High intensity care
  • Personalised in home care for children, teens and adults.

At Fair-Go Access Disability Support Services we provide our clients who have high care needs with skilled, understanding & empathetic carers. Our carers have extensive on-site training before moving onto 1:1 care. All staff are trained in a range of medical equipment, medication administration and personal hygiene routines. Staff undertake on going/updating certificates as necessary to ensure the most recent training and information is being implemented in our workplaces.

Fair-Go Access Disability Support Services can assist with day to day, weekly & monthly cleaning tasks that our clients find difficult. These tasks can include:

  • Meal preparation and delivery.
  • House and/or yard maintenance.
  • House cleaning.
  • Laundry.

Community Access

Fair Go Access workers can assist clients to access the community where they cannot do so themselves. This could be through either public transportation or private vehicles.

Additionally, with the opening of our partnered, all-inclusive cafe, Manny’s Kitchen (learn more here), Community Access, awareness and respect have never been easier!

Tube Feeding Supplies And Services

For more specific information on Tube Feeding Supplies, please visit our affiliate online shop, AnjelStore.

For more specific information on Tube Feeding Services, please visit our affiliate inclusive cafe, Manny’s Kitchen.

Or visit these websites for more information:
Tube Fed   For an introduction to tube feeding.
Child Feeding   For additional information.
Feeding Tube Awareness   For free resources.

Therapeutic Support

Osteopath assessing the scapula, shoulder blade, wing bone or blade bone of a young man in his clinic in a close up high key view

We will provide you with strategies on how you can better manage your symptoms, improve your mobility and ultimately to be as independent as possible in the community.

Interpretation And Translating

At Fair Go Access we understand that there are participants from culturally diverse backgrounds requiring assistance to accessing translation & interpretation services to access the supports available to them via their National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Plan.

If participants or their parents and/or carers have English as a second language, the National Translation and Interpreter Services (TIS National) are available to assist with translation.

Fair-go Access Support Services

Personal Mobility Equipment

Rear view of businesswoman with disability uses wheelchair while going through the office.

Our support workers have knowledge and experience with using personalised mobility equipment.

We are always happy to research and recommend products that we think could be beneficial for our clients. 

Mobility Equipment can be funded in your NDIS Plan and Fair Go Access staff can assist with this process.

Support Coordination

Providing clients with as much or as little Support Co-ordination as required.

Support Co-ordination can help with clients abilities to act independently as well as empowering clients to access and co-ordinate supports. Along with this, Support Co-ordination can provide clients with assistance to become actively involved in their local and extended communities.

Support Co-ordination can be funded via your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Plan, if requested.

Special needs carer making contact with a disabled child in a wheelchair / Disabled person in a wheelchair having fun with a care assistant

Additional Coordination Services

We offer community support services for yourself or families, which includes questions and queries that you may have in relation to funding, Medicare, NDIS, referrals and access to services that you may need.

Employment Support

The NDIS can fund supports in employment for participants who need extra help to pursue their employment goals. Generally, these supports are greater than what may be reasonably provided by an employer, or, with the support of Disability Employment Services (DES).

Employment Services

On the 1st July 2020, the NDIS introduced new pricing for supports in employment that gives participants greater choice and control about where and how they work, who provides their supports, and creates new opportunities for providers.

Supports in employment are primarily delivered in Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs). Around 20,000 NDIS participants work in ADEs.

With the supports in employment pricing changes, participants can use these supports in a wider range of employment settings, not just in ADEs.

The new pricing also means that while participants will continue to receive the support they need, providers now claim these supports in a different way.

From 1 July 2020, funding for these supports moved from a participant’s Capacity Building budget, into their Core budget. This will happen as they receive new or renewed plans.

Participants can use their plan funding for frequent and ongoing on-the-job employment supports.

They can use these supports in any workplace they choose, including government and non-government organisations, an ADE, social enterprises, micro-businesses, or in self-employment or a family run business.

As with other group-based Core supports, the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits list a single unit price for each different time of the day or day of the week.

This means that providers will claim all supports against the appropriate one-to-one support items by dividing the time spent with the work group equally across all members of the group.

Having a single unit price both eases provider administration and ensures participants are paying for the supports they actually receive.

Well, for one thing, we all have some sort of Disability. Most of us are able to camoflague our weaknesses. For those that have an obvious disabilty, they can be the target of discrimination and assumption. Its easy to focus on someone else rather than look at ourselves and work on our own limitations.

So, we believe everyone has something that needs improvement.

We offer employment support to NDIS participants because we do it well and we support inclusiveness for all. We see that things have improved for many people but it needs to be better for everyone.

FGA is one way we do as well as say, we believe in community and collaboration.

‘We’re only as good as our least competent team worker’ and that ‘together we do better’.

So how can we help in employment services?

NDIS Funding Management Information

We offer help with the three areas with funding management.